Saturday, March 10, 2012

People are getting dumber?

I have been meaning to put this blog up for a while, but I have been busy with school and work so I find it hard to find the time to do it. Well, here is an article I found in The New York Times website in the opinion section. I like to go into this section and see what people think on the subjects given. This particular article caught my eye since it is something I think about constantly. Are people getting dumber? Where does society's value lie? Has the whole world turned materialistic? Well, in this article I saw how many people agreed and disagreed on the subject.

I for one, do not think people are completely stupid. I think that they are very lazy. Why do I think they are lazy? Well, there are so many ways to find information on current events in this world yet this generation seems to only care about the latest fad and not the important things that are going on. Just the other day while sitting in my Corrections and Sentencing class a fellow classmate stated that we go to college to "gain common sense". That statement blew my mind. All I could think was "what are you doing here?" and "how did you get into college?" I think that rather than looking up which famous person is engaged and what new sneakers are in style we should worry about becoming smarter humans so that the next generation will be better than the one we are living in. I do not want to bring children into a world where people quote Drake by saying "YOLO" several times a day. I do not need Drake to tell me I will only live once, that's common sense but now that I think about it maybe my classmate gets her knowledge from Drake.

I leave you with this, rather than seeking the material thinks in life, strive to become an intelligent person in society and make the world a smarter place for our children to live in.

Here is the link to article I found.

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